Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control
Dexterous Manipulation, Locomotion, Nonlinear Control, Visual Servoing.
Mechanisms and Design
Humanoids, Hands, Legged Systems, Snake Robots, Novel Actuators, Reconfigurable Robots, MEMS/NEMS, Micro/Nanobots, Novel Sensors, Haptics, Tactile Interfaces, Soft Robots, Wearable Robots, Design Optimization of Robotic Systems, Minimality in design.
Planning and Algorithms .
Motion Planning, Task Planning, Complexity and Completeness, Computational Geometry, Simulation, Planning under Uncertainty.
Contact Modeling, Grasp Synthesis, Assembly, Force Control, Manipulation Planning.
Human-Robot Interaction and Human Centered Systems
Human Augmentation, Assistive Robots, Rehabilitation Robots, Social Robots, Safe Interaction, Robots and Art, Grounded Language Understanding, Natural Language Generation, Human-Robot Dialogue, Novel Interfaces, Proximate or Remote Human-Robot Teaming, Co-Robots, Intention Detection.
Field Robotics .
Underwater Robotics, Aerial/Space Robotics, Agricultural and Mining Robotics, Building and Construction, Environmental Monitoring, Autonomous Vehicles.
Formal Methods
Safety, Verification, Validation, Correct-by-construction Systems, Controller Synthesis, Certification.
Distributed Systems
Multi-Robot Systems, Networked Robots, Robot Soccer, Swarms, Coordination, Task and Resource Allocation
Medical Robotics
Robot-Assisted Procedures, Smart Surgical Tools, Rehabilitation / Wearable Robotics, Interventional Therapy, Image-Guided Procedures, Surgical Simulation, Soft-Tissue Modeling, Telesurgery.
Biological Robotics
Biomimetic Robotics, Robotic Investigation of Biological Science and Systems, Neurobotics, Prosthetics, Robotics and Molecular Biology.
Robot Perception
Vision, Tactile and Force Perception, Range Sensing, Inertial and Proprioceptive Sensing, Sensor Fusion, Calibration & Identification
Mobile Systems and Mobility
Mapping, Localization, Navigation, SLAM, Collision Avoidance, Exploration
Learning and Estimation for Robotic Systems :
Reinforcement Learning, Bayesian Techniques, Deep Learning, Graphical Models, Imitation Learning, Programming by Demonstration, Diagnostics